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Check Out What The Media Is Saying About Us!

Not that we're not proud or anything! But, here are a few links to sites that have either done a story on us or mentioned us in their article.

Media Articles from KTS Productions:

Dallas Morning News - 4/11/2010 (no longer available)
Wall Street Journal - 3/11/2010
Dallas Morning News Review of Concert with Cheap Trick 08/2009

WBAP News 820
WBAP Audio Interview
WFAA Channel 8 News (coming soon)
http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/232271/june-29-2009/cheap-trick---sick-man-of-europe (video no longer available)
http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2009/nov/01/eight-track-tape-exhibit-barry-whistler-gallery-de/ (Bucks Burnett - We bought his 8-tracks out when he closed his store here locally - also been to our house - great guy)
Antique Week - Central Edition - Story by Brett Weiss
Coming Soon - Interview on WCAP 980 AM
8-Track Museum Opens Here Next Week (Sadly, the Dallas Museum has closed)
8 Track Remind - Digital Vomit
More Than 20 Years After Their Death... (6 pages) Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Dan has also been interviewed on two radio programs. One was live on the BBC and the other one was on a radio station in Minnesota.

One of many cool things that has happened to us because of these crazy 8-tracks was having Kathy's hand and Dan's 8 track player in his '72 Chevy convertiblebeing on the CBS Evening News! It was only a few seconds long, but hey, it was national television!

We're always available to do more interviews! We love to spread the word! Just Email us  with whatever info. you need for your interview or article and we'll gladly try to help you out!


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