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Portable/Component/Recorder Players

In-Dash Car Players

Under-Dash Car Players

We are trying to give you the whole 8-track experience here at Kate's Track Shack! So if you're looking for a player, we're here to help you out!

We bought a great collection of players from our friend Dan Jobin. Dan has worked with players since he as a young lad in California. He's done a lot of player repair work for us in the past. He is about to be a new daddy and will be focusing his time with his family! Be watching for more players to come up for sale in the near future. Some of these are very unusual and hard to find players. We always acquiring players. If you don't see what you're looking for on the list let us know we may have what you're looking for.

Unless otherwise stated, all of the players we are putting up have been refurbished and are priced accordingly. We will offer a 30 day warranty on all players.* If you have a problem with your player after you receive it, please let us know so we can send you a RA form to send back with the player.

We are not responsible for tape jams/failures. If you're buying a player, you need to make sure that your tapes have been tuned-up first (new metallic splice/pad) before playing them in your player. We sell all of the repair supplies you might need to do it yourself or we offer this service as well.

Also, not all the players are going to look pristine and beautiful, but they all will be playable (again, unless otherwise stated). We'll try to clean them up and make them as beautiful as possible. But, unless the guy I spoke with last year has got his patent, I don't think they're making 8-track players anymore.

Some may show reflections of me taking pics! Also, the white paper you see on the players is for our identification and won't be on the player when it ships. Lighting may make some players look a different shade of color than they actually are.

When we figure s/h for the players, your total will include insurance for the the cost of the player. Most Priority packages come with free $50 insurance but anything over that will require the additional insurance.

If you are paying with PayPal, please make sure that the address you have on file with them is the correct address. If you've moved and haven't changed it or haven't given us your correct address, your package could be delayed. If it is sent back to us because of an incorrect address, there will be a charge for the return shipping from the post office as well as the original shipping costs.

P.S. - Play Safe!

Your 8-track player is an older piece of electronic equipment. We strongly recommend and urge you to plug this device into a switchable power strip, and turn the power strip OFF when the player is not in use. Many of these machines were designed to use power even when turned off, and that is not good for anybody. Please protect yourself and your gear... plug into a power strip and turn the strip OFF when not in use. Thanks! Dan & Kathy

Here's what we have right now:

GE3-5520C (TEA) Stereo Portable "Splitter" 8-Track Player -

GE3-5520C(TEA) Front

GE Splitter 3-5520C(TEA) Open

This player is pretty much idential to the one above except this one doesn't have the cigarette light adapter. These are great players! $140 + S/H/Ins*

GE-M8616A Stereo Portable "Splitter" 8-Track Player -

GEM8616A Front

GEM8616A Top

GEM8616A Back

GEM8616A Open

GEM8616A Back

GEM8616A Side 1

GEM8616A Side 2

This one is in average shape. Would make a good garage or Man cave player. The power cords and battery compartment doors are missing. Comes with powercord. Has been tested and plays well. $125 + S/H/Ins*

Belair 394 "Splitter" 8-Track Player -

Belair 394 Splitter Front

Belair 394 Splitter Back

Belair 394 Splitter Top

Belair 394 Splitter Open

Belair 394 Splitter  Bottom

Large "splitter". AC/DC power. Has some wear. May have been a garage player since it has the typical "paint spatter" on the player. The handle has some electrical tape that is starting to fail a bit. Battery compartment has some wear. Would make a great garage or outdoor player. $135 + S/H/Ins.*

Learjet P-550 Splitter 8-Track Player -

Learjet Splitter Front

Learjet Splitter Top

Learjet Splitter Back

Learjet Splitter Bottom

Learjet Splitter Side

Learjet Splitter Open Front_Back

Learjet Splitter Open Inside

Nice little splitter! Sounds good! Great players! Normal wear. $150 + S/H/Ins*

RCA Mark 8 Stereo 8-Track Component -

RCA Mark 8 FrontRCA Mark 8 Top

RCA Mark 8 BackRCA Mark 8 Bottom

Nice little plug/play component. Just plug into your receiver/amplifier and you're ready tyo go! Plays well! Minor cosmetic damage. This one is pretty heavy for it's size! $125 + S/H/Ins*

Realistic 14-935/TR-160 Component 8-Track Player -

Realistic 14-935/TR169 Component Front

Realistic 14-935/TR169 Component Top

Realistic 14-935/TR169 Component Back

Realistic 14-935/TR169 Component Bottom

Nice little unit. Just plug into your receiver/amplifier and you're ready tyo go! Plays well! Minor cosmetic damage. This one is pretty heavy for it's size! From the sticker on the bottom it looks like it was worked on in 2022. We have gone over it more recently. $125 + S/H/Ins*

Midland 12-621 Component 8-Track Player -

Midland 12-621 Component Front

Midland 12-621 Component Top

Midland 12-621 Component Back

Midland 12-621 Component Bottom

Nice little plug/play component. Just plug into your receiver/amplifier and you're ready tyo go! Plays well! Minor cosmetic damage. $125 + S/H/Ins*

Panasonic RS801US Component 8-Track Player -

Panasonic RS801US Component Front

Panasonic RS801US Component  Top

Panasonic RS801US Component  Back

Panasonic RS801US Component  Bottom

Nice little plug/play component. Just plug into your receiver/amplifier and you're ready tyo go! Plays well! Minor cosmetic damage. Someone engraved their ss number on top. Could be sanded off or leave it. $125 + S/H/Ins*

Magnavox IX8870 8-Track Player/Recorder -

Magnavox IX8870 Player/Recorder Front

Magnavox IX8870 Player/Recorder Top

Magnavox IX8870 Player/Recorder Back

Magnavox IX8870 Player/Recorder Bottom

Nice shape with minor blemishes. Features FF and Auto Stop. $150 + S/H/Ins*

Panasonic RS-805US 8-Track Player/Recorder -

Panasonic RS-805US 8-Track Player/Recorder Front

Panasonic RS-805US 8-Track Player/Recorder Top

Panasonic RS-805US 8-Track Player/Recorder Back

Panasonic RS-805US 8-Track Player/Recorder Bottom

Nice unit with minor cosmetic wear. Features Continuous Play, FF, Pana Ject. $150 + S/H/Ins.*

PAX Pr-650 8-Track Player/Recorder -

PAX Pr-650 8-Track Player/Recorder Front

PAX Pr-650 8-Track Player/Recorder Top

PAX Pr-650 8-Track Player/Recorder Back

PAX Pr-650 8-Track Player/Recorder Bottom

Very early machine. Plays great and records oky. These early machines just didn't have the power later models had. all cables included and ready to play inot your receiver! $125 + S/H/Ins.*

Lloyds AM/FM 8-Track Receiver -

Lloyds reciever front

Lloyds reciever  top

Lloyds reciever back

Customer trade in. All neccessary repairs made to it and it plays great! $150+ S/H/Ins*

Sherwood Receiver -

Sherwood Receiver Front

Sherwood Receiver Top

Sherwood Receiver Back

Pretty nice shape with minor wear. This receiver does not have an 8-track player. Has lots of hook up's in the back! $175 + S/H/Ins* SOLD

Sony Receiver -

Sony Receiver Front

Sony Receiver Top

Sony Receiver Back

Pretty nice shape with minor wear. This receiver does not have an 8-track player. Has lots of hook up's in the back! $175 + S/H/Ins*

Playtape 1200 Portable Automatic Tape Cartridge Player -

Playtape 1200 BoxPlaytape 1200 Box 2

Playtape 1200 Box 3 Playtape 1200 Front

Playtape 1200 BackPlaytape 1200 Battery

Playtape 1200 Bottom

New In Box Playtape 1200 player with volume control. and solid state/transistorized. The player has been tested and plays fine. Belt has also been replaced. This is NOT an 8-track player and does NOT play 8-track tapes. These are "cute", small, 2 track tapes. Tapes are still out there for sale to play in these little machines. $100 + S/H/Ins.*

Playtape 1200 Portable Automatic Tape Cartridge Player w/Box & Paperwork-

Playtape 1200 with box Front Box

Playtape 1200 Portable Automatic Tape Cartridge Player - styrofoam inside box

Playtape 1200 Portable Automatic Tape Cartridge Player - Front of player in box

Playtape 1200 Portable Automatic Tape Cartridge Player -  front of player  with paperwork

Playtape 1200 Portable Automatic Tape Cartridge Player -  Back of player

Not new but like new in box. Plays well. Water damage to the box. $95

The players can be shipped ground advantage or priority.* The smaller players can probably fit in a medium or large flat rate box, and may be a little cheaper than standard/parcel post. We'll give you the cheapest rate.

We will no longer be shipping purchased players outside the US. We will continue to do repairs on players that are shipped to us outside the US. Thanks for your understanding!

Please see our Return & Refund policy page if you have any questions about our warranty. There are no refunds on players that have been purchased from us. If there is a problem, we will work with you to resolve it. Thanks!

Any other questions/comments, please feel free to email us.

*In some cases we can ship UPS Ground. There is an additional fee for UPS as we don't have a daily pickup and will have to take it to a dropoff location.


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